I’ve been learning more and more as I’m try to get in the field of marketing. When I started out, I thought I could do it all, but the more I’ve learned, it’s better to just get good at one thing and then branch out from there. Great advice for someone just starting to get their feet wet.
The avenue I’ve chosen is social media. Literally everyone and their mom is on some kind of social media. With a variety to choose from, it’s all about connecting with the world.
More specifically, I’ve chosen Instagram as my primary focus. Marketers all over are drooling over this platform at the moment. It has everything they’re looking for in doing business and many are saying that it’s the hottest platform out now. It has the pictures and video to capture the attention of the audience and the captions to tell the stories you can relate to. Not to mention their “stories” as well.
One tip I’ve picked up is that, if you’re looking to gain those eyes and build your audience, it’s to use hashtags. A lot of hashtags. If you’re new to the social media world, hashtags are the medium to group posts together. Simply put the octothorpe symbol ‘#’, or pound sign, or number sign, or whatever you happen to call it, in front of a word or phrase and the platform will group that post, and others like it, into one place.
An example of this would be if you took a picture of the sunset. You then could use the hashtag ‘sunset’ typed out as, #sunset. You could even type something like #prettysunset. Whatever you wanted to put. The hashtag then becomes a link which you then could click on it to see any other pictures that others have taken with that same hashtag ‘sunset’ or whatever you’ve decided to use.
For businesses though and people trying to build an audience, this is a great way to advertise and get noticed. People may use a variety of hashtags on one post. You can use over twenty hashtags on a single picture. Think of that as reaching out to over twenty people every single time you post. So, try and use as more rather than less for marketing purposes.
However, something you should be aware of is to not use what marketers call “dead hashtags”. These are hashtags that aren’t really relevant at the moment or haven’t been used in a while. This will take a little bit of work but a way to determine what is a dead hashtag is to search for one you think would be fitting to your post and see when the most recent posts were that used this hashtag. If it’s six months to a year old, chances are people aren’t talking about it that much more. Try and use ones that are still in date. This will get you more views when people search.
So, that’s my tip for the day. If you’re looking for more help, follow or message me on Instagram and I’d be happy to find the answer to any questions you might have.