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Be a Holy Influence

Writer's picture: Kevin MicuchKevin Micuch

***The following is a post by my friend Micah. I'd like to thank him for his walk in the faith. Let us all remember that we are to be that good example to the world around us.***

Leaders in the Church have been given a weight of responsibility to shepherd the flock of God. The charge to keep watch over souls should be humbling to all ministers for they will ultimately give an account to the Chief Shepherd.

One responsibility of Christian leaders is to “be an example to the flock” (1 Peter 5:3). The people of Christ need someone visible on earth to imitate since their Lord ascended back to the right hand of the Father in heaven. The writer of Hebrews encourages Christians to “remember your leaders… carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith” (Hebrews 11:7). The apostle Paul exhorts the Corinthian church, “Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Thus, ministers of the gospel should not only take care of the doctrine they teach, but in the lives they live. Their faith, which is not expressed in mere words, ought to be exemplified in right behavior and outward works of charity. By this example, their followers would be faithful Christians.

In what ways can a Christian leader exemplify the Christian faith for God’s people? Paul gives us insight when exhorting Timothy, “Set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” (1 Timothy 3:14).

Christian leaders are to set the pattern in all matter of speaking, both in public and in private. They are not to use words rashly but are to restrain their tongues and speak with wisdom, having foresight as to the impact of their words. They are to take care not to slander, but only exposing sin when necessary, and to do so with grace and discretion. They are to speak truth and rebuke when required, but to do so in love, seeking to edify God’s people. They are not to speak for the applause of men but recognizing the Lord will hold them accountable for every careless word.

Christian leaders are to set the pattern with their behavior. They are to be self-controlled, not given over to a quick temper. They are to restrain their appetites and not be excessive eaters or given over to the influence of alcohol. They are to be gentle and not quarrelsome. They are to be hospitable, treating all people with dignity, and be gracious in all circumstances, not seeking vengeance when wronged.

Christian leaders are to set the pattern for faithfulness. They are to be behave consistent with their profession of faith. When placed under trial and difficulty, they ought to demonstrate confidence in the God they serve.

Christian leaders are to set the pattern for purity of heart. Not only are they to set an example in the matter of morality, which should be obvious, but also in all their motivations which ought be pure and consistent with holiness and godliness.

In all these things Christ has set the example for us (John 13:15). And else we think we are sufficient in ourselves to accomplish these things (2 Corinthians 3:5), having shed his blood to atone for all the sins of his people, Christ has given us his Spirit to empower us to walk worthy of our calling (Romans 8:11-14).

Dear Christian leader, people are watching your life very closely (Philippians 3:17). The life you model will be imitated by the people who follow you. Be a faithful example over the flock God has given you, and influence your followers with true holiness.

If you'd like to read more from Micah, check out his blog

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