This will guide you through the thinking of a mature mind on the COVID-19 crisis by someone who strives to think rationally. I will never be the one to say “question everything” but with regards to this pandemic, question everything. Here’s where my thought process took me when all of this started in 2019.
In the very beginning, I admit, I panicked a little much like most of us. It was a new virus that we knew nothing about and we weren’t sure what would happen with the spread of it. What calmed me though was that even when it was still just in China, it was being reported that 80% of people were experiencing only mild symptoms or none at all. For someone who doesn’t even get an influenza shot every year, this was comforting to hear. I’ve since learned that coronaviruses are mainly benign to us.
Then, it began to spread around the world. Like many people, I was deeply saddened that the death toll was rising tremendously but it hadn’t landed in the United States yet so it really wasn’t affecting me as much. I would read about places like China and Italy where people were dropping like flies and again, I was troubled but it still wasn’t processing with me yet. I would just ask myself what would happen if it got to the U.S. What would I do?
Then it landed in North America and my panic started to rise again. It was all beginning to compute with me once the president declared the state of emergency and everyone starting wearing masks everywhere. I didn’t want to contract this bug nor did I want my loved ones too either. Someone then told me that we were all going to get it and it wasn’t that bad. Were they right or was it just not computing with them too? That was when I started doing my own research. I wanted to figure out for myself what was going on. I also started hating the mask so that pushed me a little more and I haven’t even looked back into ‘panic mode’ since.
I thought I would start by simply asking and studying out what exactly was COVID-19? Even someone like me who had just a layman knowledge of the flu, I found it odd that everyone was so horrified by this virus. It was as if we had never seen a coronavirus before, even though we have been living with them for quite some time now, not to mention several different types. What made this one different though? I asked a few people I knew in the medical field and the answer I got over and over again was that this newest coronavirus was more transmittable. That’s it. That’s the only answer I received.
So, this virus is more transmittable but it was still showing the same numbers as the seasonal flu and still boasting 80% of people were asymptomatic or showing mild symptoms. Where was the panic coming from then? I was also able to find out that the survival rate was over 99%. It was slightly less than having the flu but for some reason we went into a nationwide lockdown. Why?
How come we weren’t telling people to drink more water or to eat healthier to boost their immune system or to get more exercise like we do every flu season? It was as if we went straight for door number lockdown. This caused even more panic in much of the population but I just had to shake my head. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
That’s when the masks started rolling out. I didn’t mind them at first but it got me thinking of a time when we ever did this for flu season. The answer: never. That lead me to look into what they were for. Once the virus came to the U.S., it was also comforting to know that officials were saying that society shouldn’t be walking around with them on. After a short while, they then pulled a 180 and said that everyone should be wearing them. Were they really going to limit the spread?
I was starting to become skeptical out of the box with every decision that was made. My initial reaction was ‘no’ but I wanted to make sure. You kept hearing that either they worked, or they didn’t. However, there is usually three sides to every story. The truth usually is somewhere in the middle. What I found was that yes, masks do work; for bacteria.
Any civilized person knows that we cover our mouths when we cough, whether we’re sick or not. It just spreads less germs. Bacteria is so small, that we can’t see it with the naked eyes. Viruses though, are even smaller. So small that even if bacteria had eyes, they couldn’t see it. That means that viruses can escape the mask’s knitting with ease. I heard one doctor even liken it to throwing sand through a chain linked fence. How much is that really catching?
That doesn’t even include the fact that the majority of people aren’t even wearing the masks correctly. They likely will adjust it too throughout the day which defeats the whole purpose. If you’re contaminating it, why wear it at all. You’re better off just training yourself not to touch your face, which is how you become infected with any respiratory virus. You can’t get it if you don’t give it access to your body.
The reason we started wearing masks was because the case numbers were going up. This meant that there was a rise in the number people that were testing positive with this new virus. But it was still being reported that around 80% of people were showing little to no symptoms. What was going on here? Why were we testing so many healthy people this way? This had never been done before. It’s no wonder the case numbers are so high.
This is exactly what is being politicized right now. We have never tested people on this massive of a scale and we’ve also never judged a virus on how many “cases” we’ve done. They’re irrelevant because, again, it’s benign to around 80% of people. Exactly like other coronaviruses in the past. “Cases” does not always mean deaths or even hospitalizations. It just means the patient tested positive for the virus. And case numbers will always be this high when you continue to test healthy people who may only have a minute amount of the virus in their system.
You also probably have heard of “false positives”, no? Yep, there have been plenty of those. But how is that even possible? How can you test positive for a virus you don’t actually have? According to the New York Times, ninety percent, yes, ninety percent of ‘positive’ cases should have been negative according to a study done on three different states. Turns out they were doing up 40 cycles and even finding dead cells in someone just so they could say it was positive result. Crazy, right?
This doesn’t even touch the fact that the inventor of the test admitted that the PCR test we use to find COVID cannot differentiate between coronaviruses, which is now just coming to light. You could have only had the influenza coronavirus. Or even the fact of numerous reports of people were testing positive without even testing! One person even alleged that her test came back negative but said it would count as a positive in a neighboring county because they needed more positives! If that doesn’t scream politics, I don’t know what does.
This would raise all sorts of red flags for any logical person, yet, you have people lining up to get a vaccine for this disease. Not to mention a type of vaccine that has never been used before, let alone approved of. I’m honestly surprised it can even be called a “vaccine” as it doesn’t even alleviate even one symptom of the virus. You can still obtain and spread COVID after you receive your vaccination. That’s not what a vaccine is for. That’s your choice to be a guinea pig for the trial run, but many people are completely against it. You’re still going to have to wear a mask and social distance if you get it which makes you wonder what the point of it, and the passports, even is.
And what’s with all of the incentives? When have we ever been this coerced into getting a flu shot every year? If it’s so effective, it wouldn’t need this much pressure into receiving it. Anyone with kids knows that this is the tactic you use to get them to do something. And the more force you use, the more the people are going to push back. Even if I did concede my position and it turned out that they were effective, why not look to only vaccinate the 20% of people that are the most vulnerable like we do with every other disease? Why is there such a push to mandate it for every person on the planet? It just doesn’t make any sense at all.
All of this above is to, of course, “stop the spread”. But, what does that even mean? I hate to break it to you but that’s an unobtainable goal. It’s impossible. Remember, coronaviruses mutate. There will always be a “new variant” coming out. They’ll say we’ll need a new booster every year. Doesn’t any of this sound like another type of coronavirus we’ve been living with for decades? And both are showing very similar numbers. You can tell it’s more about control now, as opposed to the science, when they keep pushing back the goalposts after we’ve reached them.
These are just the questions I have with this. You may feel a totally different way and that’s cool too. I’m open to any opinion others may have. My advice is that we continue to do our own research and do what’s best for each of us and our families. Everybody’s different. We live in the age of information and sadly many aren’t even using it. Find out this stuff now before it gets taken away. Pay attention to what is being said, but also what’s getting censored. Misinformation has never been censored like this before but history has shown truth has been.
The biggest question on nearly everyone’s mind is if this whole pandemic has been a hoax or not. With everything I’ve written above, it’s no wonder people think it is. As I said before though, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. I do believe COVID-19 to be a real strand and new variant of a coronavirus. However, I also believe it has been completely blown out of proportion for political purposes, much like most these days. It’s extremely sad. There is a way to not got it though. Take precautions but do not fear it. Keep your immune system healthy, drink lots of water, wash or sanitize your hands regularly and don’t touch your face a lot to give it access to your respiratory system. That’s all up to you though. And if you do catch it, there are medicines out there that can help, when they’re not getting censored. Don’t just take my word for it though. Please educate yourself.
Wow. So enlighten to have what you said in words. I always pondered about this virus.
I am just curious why so many people are yes man, without studying?
To be a yes man, usually will get you killed.