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Death Will Be Destroyed!

Writer's picture: Kevin MicuchKevin Micuch

In Acts 17, we have the story of the apostle Paul, preaching to some people in Athens. The Greeks were known for their pantheon of deities and they were erect statues of them. I’m sure Paul would have seen some of these.

He also saw one with the inscription, “The Unknown God” (v. 23). Paul was very evangelistic and saw this as an opportunity to preach about Jesus, who, in fact, was unknown to the Greeks. Some that heard Paul wanted to know a little more about what he believed. Paul started sharing with them about the Judeo-Christian God, Jehovah.

All seemed fine, but then Paul got to the resurrection of Jesus. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead after being crucified and buried. Sure, there were others in the Bible that were raised from the dead, but Jesus’ was different. He was the first to rise up, never to die again. And if we believe in Him, we too will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment.

Now, the people that were listening to Paul speak, didn’t want to hear anymore. They turned away and left Paul behind. The resurrection was too much for them to handle. It was something completely new to them and so outrageous, they refused to listen.

There are those that did receive that Jesus is the Christ and that He did resurrect on the third day. To them, God has graciously bestowed on them eternal life. As I said before, an afterlife with Him after the Day of Judgment. That is God’s gift to humanity.

In Romans 8, the church at Rome was suffering a ton of persecution. Paul says that it’s their hope that will save them (v. 24) and get them through these hard times. Hope in what though? The resurrection of the dead. Hope in a new life after we leave this earth in death. That is the hope that saves us as well. When we realize that this physical universe isn’t all there is. That there is a better life beyond this one.

Paul also writes about the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15. So much so, that it’s led many to call it ‘The Resurrection Chapter’. He wrote of its utmost importance to the Christian. That it’s so vital, that if Christ didn’t rise from the dead, our whole belief system is empty (v. 14) and futile (17). It’s useless. He was replying to this congregation because some of them weren’t believing in the resurrection. He was basically saying that if you don’t believe in the resurrection, there’s no point in being a Christian.

I do believe in the God of the Bible. I believe He has appointed a day where He will judge His creation and resurrect us all. The faithful will be with Him and the unfaithful will not. Belief in the afterlife has shaped my view on this life. I am just here trying to spread the news and help people see that even in a cursed world, the joys we experience now can’t even compare to the pleasures to come.

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