I am a gamer. OK, not that kind of gamer. I am big fan of tabletop games. This would include playing card, board games, and card games. Card games might be my favorite. I’ve even created some of my own games over the years. My own playing cards, too. I’m actually trying to get some of them published. We’ll see what happens.
I try to attend game nights when I can. I enjoy the gaming atmosphere, plus it allows me to test my own games out. It allows me to get other’s feedback on them. A couple I’ve had to concede defeat on as the game didn’t work out. Hey, it happens.
Most of my close friends like playing games too. Some of them go long into the night. I know I’m not alone either, so here are five suggestions of games you can take to your next game night. While everyone loves the classics like Monopoly, LIFE, and Sorry!, these are some of the lesser known titles as I know there are better titles than the ones in the mainstream. Hope you like them as these are some of my favorites.
1. The Wrong Game – This one might be my most favorite game ever played. I love it. I love originality and this has it as you have to get the questions wrong in order to get points. Pretty cool concept, no? There are five timed questions on each card and you player has to answer them wrong to earn tokens. There are also cards thrown in that have you alternate right and wrong answers to try and throw players off.
2. Table Golf – This is a card game I came across on the website that prints my games. It sounded interesting, so I made the purchase. It’s played just as the title sounds. It’s golf played on the table. You play by tossing your “ball” card to get it in the “hole”. Before each hole too, are different scenarios you must act out to make each hole and game quirkier and fun.
3. Scrabble Slam! – I’m always fascinated on the study of etymology, so to me, word games like Scrabble are my forte. It really gets your creative juices flowing. A couple of my own creations are word style games. This card game is like an abbreviated version of Scrabble which sees players changing letters of a four-letter word into other four-letter words. You have to be quick though, as there are no points; you’re just trying to get rid of all of your cards.
4. Farkle! – This Yahtzee style dice game is always a favorite in my group. You’re try to score as many points as possible while completing a checklist. It’s always a fun time when I play this game.
5. Phase 10 – This one is just one of those classics that will never get old. My family has just about every version of this game because we love it so much. Almost like Farkle! but in card form. You must complete a checklist and you cannot move on to the next phase without completing the one you’re on. The first one to complete all ten phases is declared the winner.
So, there you have it. These are just some of my favorite games to play. Of course, you can’t go wrong with just a simple deck of playing cards either. What are some of your favorite games to pass the time?