I hear it all the time. "You look so young". Well, here's what I do.
If I had a dollar, or even a dime, for every time someone was astonished by my age, I’d be a very wealthy man. So many times I’ve heard, “You’re how old? I would have guessed 20!” Of course, this is very flattering. And in the beginning, I wondered why I was such an outsider. I really only had my genes to tell them. But as time went on, and the more it happened, it made me think more about it. I’m sure it could be genetic, but I concluded that it was a lot more than just my genes. I’ve had numerous people jokingly ask me what my secret it, but really, it’s no secret at all. There could be more, but here are five things that contribute to my youthfulness.
No substance abuse - I don’t drink alcohol. I don’t use drugs of any sort. I’m not addicted nor do I abuse any substance that can be harmful to my body. I’m sure we’ve all seen mugshots of young drug abusers that look like they’re seventy years old. These things can have devastating effects on the body and can even cause death.
Take alcohol for instance. The Bible says that anyone that is led astray by strong drink is not wise (Proverbs 20:1). Also, drunkards “will not inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:10). Not only that, we are instructed to live sober lives (Romans 12:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; 1 Peter 5:8). Drugs and alcohol impair our judgment and cause us to make extremely awful decisions in life. I want to be able to make good decisions so I just stay away from drugs and alcohol altogether.
The Bible also says to “abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22). Now am I saying that all of these things are evil? Not necessarily. Things like wine or cannabis come to people’s minds when they hear this because they do have medicinal properties. I can’t say that these things in moderation are inherently evil, but what is our attitude towards them? If we’re using it for health reasons, then by all means take them. I tend to lean more conservatively though and know that these things can do more harm then help. I don’t want to become addicted to them so I just stay away completely.
Don’t worry - I rarely worry about things. If it’s out of my control and there’s nothing I can do, why give it a second thought? This one is hard for many and I can see why. We don’t know everything and that includes the future. Not knowing what the future holds gives many people anxiety.
Jesus said to His disciples to not worry about the necessities of life because God will provide them (Matthew 6:25-34). He adds that God takes care of the plants and animals so He most certainly will take care of you too. Science has even called this negative thinking the ‘Nocebo Effect’. Anxiety can lead to negative thinking which causes depression which can even kill us. Negative thinking is not good for your body at all. I’ve also heard it said that about 90% of the things we worry about don’t even come true. Why would you want that negativity in your life?
We are told “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6). Also, “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:6-7). I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future, so I let Him deal with it.
Be happy - In all things, I’m just grateful for the life I have. I have a good job, an amazing wife, great support system comprised of great family and friends, shelter, food, and water. And I am especially thankful that I live in a country that allows me the freedom to worship God without any persecution. I know that my life could be a lot worse, so I try and not take that for granted.
The opposite of negative thinking and depression is thankfulness. Positive thinking actually does well for our health, including healing properties. Science has done a lot of research on the what they call the ‘Placebo Effect’. This is the thinking that we’ll have a good outcome, even if the things we take have no effect on us whatsoever. We aren’t healed by much of the medicine we take, but simply thinking positively and hoping for a good outcome! Who wouldn’t want that? So much of our minds we still don’t know about even with the technology we have today.
The apostle Paul had gone through numerous calamities in his life and still wrote “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content”, (Philippians 4:11). Elsewhere, it is written, “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). The apostle Peter wrote, “Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter” (1 Peter 4:16). I know that even in my sufferings, my life just isn’t that bad and God is still with me. I have much to be grateful for.
I also try and laugh as much as possible. I love harmless jokes and pranks. Anything to liven the mood of the people around me. We don’t say “laughter is the best medicine” for no reason. In today’s society, depression is at an all-time high and is continuing to grow. It’s because we compare ourselves to others and are taking for granted what we have. We just want more and more “things” which don’t bring us gratitude. Truth is, if you’re not happy with what you have now, you’ll never be happy.
It’s easy to see the negative in any given situation, but try looking at the positives. So many people are quick to point out others’ mistakes. Learn to thank and praise them for what they do right. Build them up. Encourage each other. It will only help our society grow. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
Stay active – This one might be the most obvious one of them all. We all know that exercise is good for your health. I don’t have a membership to any gym, but I have a job in retail where I’m on my feet all day. Too, sometimes I’ll take my family on walks around my neighborhood. I try to stay active when I can because it keeps the blood flowing. Healthy blood flow means your muscles stay stronger, your organs maintain good function, and even keep your brain working properly.
Yes, this even includes staying active mentally. I try to read when I get a free moment. I enjoy solving riddles and puzzles. I strive to actually try and learn something new every day. It’s good to stay busy because it also keeps you out of trouble.
Much of what I read helps me improve my quality of life. Most of that comes in the form of spiritual matters. The Bible says that not only should we be seeking God, but we ought to be seeking Him diligently (see Proverbs 8:17; Jeremiah 29:13; Hebrews 11:6; 2 Timothy 2:15). Proverbs 1:7 says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”. Proverbs 9:10 says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Actually, the fact that we’re able to learn anything at all is one of many proofs of God’s existence. If we want to know anything about this creation, we need to learn about the Creator. “Never stop learning” has become a new motto of mine. We can’t know everything but it keeps me busy in trying to learn a little more each day.
Quiet Time - While it’s great to stay busy in life, rest is equally as important. So many people, especially in our society, want to tip the busy part of the scale without putting much on the resting side. I actually cringe when I hear someone say something like, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”. That actually causes you to shorten your life!
Being a writer, I do admit this is the one I struggle with most. It’s probably not enough, but I try to at least get 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night. I try to take a nap every once in a while, too. Sleep allows to recharge many of your body’s systems, helps your spine realign, and even repairs your muscles and skin. Yet, so many people think it inconveniences them.
Taking time to myself allows me to meditate and pray as well. A verse I referenced earlier said “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer is simply talking with God. We don’t need an appointment to talk with Him. He’s always listening! We always feel better getting things off of our chest anyway, but few people are willing to listen to us. God is always there and ready to hear from us. Much like parents are willing to listen to their children, God is always willing to listen to His children.
Sometimes you have bad days. Tell God about them. Sometimes you have good days. Thank God for them. Now sure, God already knows what you’re going through. However, prayer was created for our benefit, not His. It’s always good to set aside time for you and God. The prophet Daniel is said to have prayed three times a day (Daniel 6:10). Should we not strive to do the same?
So, there you have it. Again, I’m sure there are more, but these five came first into my mind. I had originally titled this “Kevin’s Guide to a Healthy Life”, but quickly realized that it wasn’t my guide at all. I’m only doing what God has prescribed for us for thousands of years. I’m simply trying to live the way our Creator intended His creation to live.
Now, is this guaranteed to work? It sure helps, but I can’t guarantee anything. We still live in a world where we die. We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. This is because Adam and Eve sinned against God, resulting in this world to be cursed by death. In fact, we all have sinned (Romans 3:23). Romans 6:23 says “the wages of sin is death”. Many people just stop there for some reason, but the verse goes on to say “…but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. We all have sinned and are condemned to die but we can live again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sin separates us from God, but if you are cleansed of your sins, you can be reconciled to a relationship with Him through the blood of His Son. I did it, and you can too.
This guide can help you live longer, but if you’re living for God, you can live eternally longer.
Very goodI really enjoyed all of your wisdom.